If the weather forecast is to be believed, we're in for some lovely weather over the next few days. There are few things as glorious as a sunny October day, especially when you live right next to the wonder that is Ashdown Forest, so this week's craft activity gets you out into the fresh air and the beautiful autumn woods to create... FOREST FACES.
For this you will need:
- Air drying natural clay (available from Hobbycraft) or clay-heavy mud
- A tree trunk
- Leaves
- Moss
- Small sticks
- Stones
- Acorns, pine cones, conkers, seed cases, etc.
- Push the clay or mud onto the tree trunk. Work it into a face shape, and smooth the edges down into the bark. This will help the clay/mud to stay put.
- Use leaves or moss for hair, eyebrows, beard, moustache. Press this firmly into the clay or mud.
- Push acorns/pine cones/conkers into the clay or mud for the eyes and nose.
- Use a small stick to create a mouth.
- Take a photo of your child's creation, as obviously they won't be able to take it home.
- Make more forest faces. Maybe even a whole forest family!