We are open for 38 weeks of the year, term-time only, from 8:30am to 3:30pm.

morning session: 8:30am - 12:00pm

afternoon session: 12:00pm - 3:30pm

all-day session:8:30am - 3:30pm


Our rate is £6.70 per hour for under 3s and £6.30 for 3-4 year olds.

As part of the HALO (Healthy Active Little Ones) scheme, we provide healthy and varied snacks for children every morning and afternoon. The cost for this is 50p per session that your child is scheduled to attend the Nursery school.

Entry is available to any child from the age of 2½.

As a charity, we are unable to offer reduced rates for missed sessions. Any sessions that your child is unable to attend will be billed as normal.

Invoices are issued on the first day of each month and fees are payable within 14 days. Late payment of invoices will incur a surcharge.


early years funding offer


The 15 hour funding offer has been extended to eligible working families with 2 year olds from April 2024 - you can check on the ‘Childcare Choices’ website to see if this applies to your family:

The existing offer still runs as follows: Children are entitled to 15 hours per week of Early Years Education Entitlement (EYEE) funding from the term after they turn 3, until they start school.

How we offer the funded hours at St Mary’s Nursery:

Our EYEE funding offer runs from 9:00am - 11:30am and 12:30pm - 3:00pm daily. We apply our normal rate outside these times. This means there will be a charge of £6.30/£6.70 per session for children in receipt of funding (hourly rate depends on child’s age).

St Mary’s Nursery offers 2.5 funded hours per 3.5 hour session. In order to access the full 15 hours of funding, your child will need to attend six sessions at nursery per week. These sessions can be taken in any configuration.

Once your child is of eligible age you will be given a form from East Sussex County 3 times a year to complete and claim funding. Some 3 and 4 year olds are eligible to also receive Pupil Premium to support their education and development (please ask for details).

St Mary's Nursery can also offer 30 hours' funding for those parents who fit the criteria (subject to availability). Please check that the nursery has availability before registering your child. Further information can be found at

We appreciate that EYEE funding can be confusing, so please refer to our Fees Policy for further details, or contact Rebecca Drake at


To register your child, please follow the procedure outlined on our ‘Admissions’ page.

For further information on fees, please click here.