New website!

We are very excited to unveil our new-look website. We hope that the new format will provide a more user-friendly portal for our parents and carers, as well as being a useful first point of contact for prospective parents.

While developing this website, we have tried to consider what information you as parents and carers might want to know about our nursery. We would love to hear your comments about our new look so that we can make it an even better resource for you!



New staff members for September 2017

We are delighted to be welcoming two new staff members to the St Mary's Nursery family, Wendy Park and Rebecca Cook.

Wendy Park will be joining us as a full time member of staff. Wendy is an extremely experienced nursery practitioner, having worked in Early Years for over 15 years. We feel very privileged to be welcoming her to the team.

Rebecca Cook will be joining us on Mondays and Fridays, and on Wednesday mornings. We are looking forward to benefitting from her huge creativity and enthusiasm - we're sure that Rebecca will bring a real sparkle to our nursery.