SEND local offer

The purpose of the local offer is to improve choice for families, by providing information about services available at our settings for young children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

St Mary’s Nursery strives to meet the needs of children with Special Educational Needs and disabilities. We aim to support children to become confident with their abilities, be able to communicate their own views and ensure their transition to school is as seamless as possible.

We are an inclusive setting with a wealth of experience in supporting and promoting their needs, learning and development. We are supported by the Local Authority to ensure all children, regardless of their specific needs are being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible, where families want this to happen. We have well trained staff with a wealth of knowledge and experience available to help support your child fully so that they are able to reach their full potential.


Frequently asked questions

1. How does st mary’s nursery know if children need extra help?

At St Mary’s Nursery we treat every child as an individual and staff are experienced in observing, assessing and planning next steps for children.

Your child will be allocated a key person who will be responsible for your child’s development. We use the Early Years Outcomes to assist us to assess the children. The Early Years Outcomes is a guidance that displays typical development for children from birth until they reach the end of reception year. It is set out in 7 areas of learning:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Communication and Language

  • Physical Development

  • Literacy

  • Mathematics

  • Understanding the World

  • Expressive Arts and Design

Through the use of observations, assessment and planning for their next steps we are able to identify any concerns which we will share with you, and with your consent we will contact other professionals if required.

We invite parents to share knowledge and information about their child with us so that we can understand their interests, likes/dislikes, favourite games/toys & places. This sharing process will be ongoing throughout your child’s time at nursery.

2. what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs or disabilities?

If you have any concerns about your child you should speak with your child’s key person who will be able to advise you further. You may also wish to speak with the setting SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) or the Manager.

If needed we will use a communication book or activity board so that you can gain an understanding of what your child experiences on a daily basis.

3. How will Early Years staff support my child?

Every child has their own key person who will work with both you and your child. This relationship will ensure that we share knowledge concerning your child and their development. Your child will have an online Learning Journey in which your child’s key person will add observations and photos. Next steps will be taken from these observations. If after speaking with you we feel additional support is needed, the SENCO will, with you, create a specific individual learning plan & implement a Graduated Approach to meet their needs and your requirements. St Mary’s Nursery and other professionals can ensure that you and your child are involved in all aspects of planning and decision making.

Through continual observations, we can plan for your child including accessing additional support from other professionals as appropriate.

We undertake regular written observations and complete assessments; this enables us to monitor and ensure that your child is making progress, it helps us to identify needs and ensures your child is able to access a broad and balanced curriculum. If we find your child is making less than expected progress, with your permission, we will contact our Local Authority Area SENCO team, health visitor and other professional like Speech and language therapists if required either for advice or to make a referral with any concerns. These professionals may be able to identify effective strategies or provide equipment needed. They may be able to advise other interventions to enable your child to make progress towards the desired learning and development outcomes. If necessary, with your permission, we can write a written report for the local GP or paediatrician sharing areas where your child may need some extra support.

4. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

Every child is viewed as unique, therefore we plan for your child’s development based on observations of your child and evidence gained for their Learning Journey. We will endeavour that the environment your child plays in will be appropriate for their needs.

We run small group activities during our sessions that focus on developing speech, language & communication, sharing, turn taking, listening, waiting and developing attention. These sessions help all the children develop the key skills needed for their progress in the Early Years.

5. What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

We offer a settling in session (more if required) which will familiarise your child with the staff and the setting which enables support for your child to be discussed before they commence at Nursery. Care routines will be discussed prior to starting with us. We are able to administer prescribed medicines once the appropriate form has been completed. If additional training is required to administer medicine we will undertake this as necessary.

We ensure that every child is secure and feels safe in our environment. All our staff are caring, attentive and supportive with all children’s needs and are non-judgemental. Promoting positive behaviour is important to the setting. We will always discuss any behaviour concerns with you in order to maintain a consistent approach between home and the setting. We can also refer you to the local Children’s Centre where you may be able to receive extended support and in partnership with you can write up a specific Behaviour Plan to support your child development in this area. We concentrate on promoting children’s Personal, Emotional and Social development, building on what they can already do and creating challenges to build their confidence and self-esteem.

The safety of your child is paramount. We will not allow any child off the premises if the person collecting them is not known to the setting. We regularly undertake and review risk assessments on our equipment. Risk assessments are completed before any trip including short walks around the local community.

6. How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

A strong relationship between the setting and parents is important to the Nursery. You have access to your child’s Learning Journey, and a termly report is written by your child’s key person. Information included will be what your
child has been enjoying, what their next steps are and how these can be implemented at home as well as at nursery.

When needed we would implement a Graduated Approach to supporting your child’s areas of need. We plan our curriculum, map provision and evaluate the outcomes of our intervention.

Sometimes we can apply for a SEN Pupil Premium. The nursery will receive an allowance to support your child’s learning and development. How this money will be spent is discussed with you.

At St Mary’s Nursery we operate an 'open door' policy. We endeavour to spend time with parents to discuss their child's progress and development, and to help you support your child. Sometimes this is more practical to book an appointment so staff can give you their full attention if matters need to be discussed in length.

7. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by st mary’s nursery?

We work with all professionals as required for each child and always encourage these persons to come and visit the relevant children in the setting.

If required, we will contact and work with our Local Authority Area SENCo Team. We will obtain parental consent before making contact and we will include parents in all decisions made and meetings held. The area SENCo is able to signpost and give practical support with approaches to identification, assessment and intervention within the SEN code of Practice. If speech and language concerns are identified by the setting or yourself, with your consent, we can send a referral. We work with Speech and Language therapists and the reports they provide to support the children in their language development. We have good links with other services within and around our community and can assist you to access any Parent/Toddler groups, schools and facilities at the Children Centre.

8. How will my child be included in activities outside st mary’s nursery, including Trips?

All children are welcome to attend trips. Parents are notified before trips in order to identify any particular needs. Risk assessments are completed. Volunteers to assist on the trip are requested from the children’s families. On any trips a mobile phone, medication and first aid kit is always taken.

9. How accessible is st mary’s nursery?

We will work closely with all parents to access any specialist equipment that may be required. Our setting is fully wheelchair accessible. We offer resources, toys and equipment at different levels. We can offer visual timetables when needed to help children make choices, supporting understanding of the routine of what happens now, then next. We have visual signs, photos and aids around the rooms that enable children to make their own choices and access the curriculum independently. We match our teaching styles and differentiate the curriculum so that every child is able to access our provision and make progress. If your child requires specific play materials or equipment, we can access resources from the specialist Early Years Teaching and Support Service. Where English is a second language, every effort is made to secure written material in your own language. We are also able to access interpreting services via the Traveller and English as an Additional Language Service (TEALS). We would ensure that we respect cultural differences and negotiate to meet your needs in an appropriate way.

10. How will st mary’s nursery prepare and support my child to join the setting or transfer to a new setting or school?

Before your child joins St Mary’s Nursery, we encourage you to visit the setting (more than once if necessary) so that you and your child can become acquainted with the environment. You will be asked to complete an All About Me form which shares information from home. A care plan will be devised with the parent/carer and key person/SENCo. We work closely with each family to develop a settling in routine to match your child’s needs. With your consent, we will liaise with any professionals that are already working with your family. If your child attends another setting, with your consent we share information about your child’s time with us through written information and visits to settings. We welcome other settings to visit us.

If you decide to leave our setting, we will write a leavers report with information on your child’s development and time with us; we are happy for other settings to visit your child while they are still at our setting and we share appropriate information with them.

When transferring to school, St Mary’s Nursery will initially liaise with the school to arrange the best transition for your child. This could include a meeting between the school, setting and parents to discuss the best strategies to support transition; several visits to the school by your child; photographs of the school (we create a pictorial booklet to support this); and teacher visits. If other agencies are supporting your child, they may also be involved with the transition process and work with you to find the best level of support. Sometimes it is agreed that a higher level of support is needed once a child is due to start primary school. In this case, a request for an assessment can be made to the Local Authority for an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) The request can be made from either you, other agencies such as a specialist teacher or by the staff at St Mary’s Nursery. You may not feel an EHCP is required and that the primary school may be able to meet the child’s needs with the resources they have. Occasionally Individual Pupil Resourcing Agreement (IPRA) funding can be issued to the primary school. This enables the primary school to support the child’s needs until further evidence is gathered and considered. Once further evidence is gathered the child’s case may then be reconsidered for an Education and Health Care Plan.

11. How are resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

We are a registered charity with limited funds, however we would ensure staff attend any specific training necessary. Government funding is available for 2 year olds in receipt of Disability Living Allowance.

At times we are able to support your child further by accessing some specific additional SEN premium (the term after your child is 3). This premium is allocated to children with the most complex needs and children that need high levels of additional adult support.

12. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

The SENCO will work closely with you and other professionals to determine your child’s needs. We have regular team meetings to involve all practitioners with any support required. In addition, the key person will be able to identify any additional support through the observation procedure required by the Early Years Foundation Stage and any personalised plan linked to a graduated approach will be made as necessary. We are able to signpost parents and carers towards support groups available in the area and are happy to share ideas, intervention strategies and plans that can be used in both the setting and at home.

13. how can parents and carers be involved?

The thoughts and views of parents and carers are very much involved in the decision making and day to day life of the setting, including for their own child. Parents can discuss these with their child’s key person, SENCO or the setting Manager. There are annual feedback questionnaires and parents’ evenings as well as social functions. Also, parents are always welcome to arrange an appointment in order to discuss any issues or suggestions they may have. If parents wish to, they can volunteer to join the Nursery Committee who are a group of parents that commit to volunteer their time on a regular basis to aid the smooth and efficient running of the setting. They work with the staff to self-evaluate and drive for continuous improvement in all aspects of the preschool.

14. who can i contact for further information?

All of our policies can be found in the policies area of our website.

If you would like to discuss your child prior to starting at St Mary’s Nursery, please contact the Supervisors, Katie Luck or Sophie Turner on 01892 611721 or email

The local offer - what is available for children and young people with special educational needs in East Sussex:

Contact or call Information for Families 0345 60 80 192