St Mary's Nursery School is a registered charity which is run as a non-profit making organisation by a committee of parents. The Nursery welcomes children of all faiths in the community.
The setting is in a purpose-built classroom next to St Mary's Catholic Primary School. We have a secure fenced garden and a covered pergola with an all-weather surface allowing outside play all year round.
The Nursery School is OFSTED registered and we are able to provide half day and full day care provision for up to 20 children.
We have a close relationship with St Mary's Catholic Primary School and are fortunate to have the use of the school's facilities. Please be aware that a place at the Nursery does not guarantee a place at St Mary's Catholic Primary School.
we offer your child:
A specially tailored curriculum leading to Early Learning goals
A high level of individual care and attention
The support of a personal Key Worker
Fun and friendship with adults and other children
“Wonderful teachers and a lovely space for the children to learn.”