Cookie cutter bird feeder

Autumn is drawing to a close and, to quote 'Game of Thrones': WINTER IS COMING. This is a difficult time for our garden birds as food becomes more scarce, so this week's try-at-home craft is a DIY birdfeeder. Hang it up outside and see the birds come flocking!

For this you will need:

cookie cutter feeder.jpg
  • Bird seed (ideally a wild bird variety)
  • 2 sachets of unflavoured gelatine
  • Boiling water
  • Large cookie cutters
  • Drinking straws, cut into 5cm lengths
  • Large bowl
  • Spoon
  • Baking sheet
  • Baking parchment
  • String or ribbon
  1. Dissolve the gelatine in boiling water (adult supervision will be required here!) and add 2 cups of bird seed.
  2. Stir for 2-3 minutes to allow the bird seed to soak up the gelatine mixture. Don't worry if all the gelatine isn't absorbed.
  3. Line your baking sheet with baking parchment.
  4. Place your cookie cutters on the lined baking sheet and carefully fill them with the seed mix. This is great for working on those fine motor skills! Over-fill them slightly, as you want the seeds to be nice and tight inside the cookie cutters.
  5. Cover the filled cookie cutters with another sheet of parchment paper and press the seeds down firmly.
  6. Gently push a straw segment into each shape to create a hole for the string you're going to be adding later.
  7. Allow the bird seed shapes to dry for 3-4 hours (turn them over halfway through the drying time).
  8. Gently push them out of the cookie cutters, then allow them to dry completely overnight.
  9. Remove the straw segments, add a loop of string or ribbon and hang your bird feeder outside.
  10. Watch the birds come to visit for a tasty, seedy treat!