People who help us

The children had a very exciting visit this week from two Police Community Support Officers, who came to the nursery in their police car! The officers talked to the children about the role of the police and explained to the children that it was safe to approach a police officer in an emergency or if they were lost. They had brought a range of police hats with them, and the children enjoyed getting to try them on. The children were then delighted to be able to climb inside the police car, and to see the flashing lights and hear the siren. Later, we talked about other people in the community that help us - the children were able to think of lots of different occupations that help people, such as doctors, nurses, fire fighters and teachers.

Preparations for our nursery Nativity began in earnest this week, with the children visiting St Mary’s Church to practise their songs. You may have noticed them singing them at home too! We also began work on our Christmas display, which is a Christmas tree made from the children’s hand prints, and have started making our TOP SECRET Christmas crafts that the children will present to you at the end of term. Shhhh!