We're GOOD!

We are delighted to announce that our Ofsted report has been published, and once again we have been judged as good across the board. Hooray!

You can view the full report here, but here are some of the lovely things that the inspector said about our setting:

"Children are confident and motivated to learn. They have strong and secure relationships with staff who support children to feel safe."

"The quality of teaching is strong and focused on the children's interests. Staff listen to what children say and provide opportunities for them based on their current ideas."

"Staff are enthusiastic about the experiences they provide for children to extend their skills."

"Parents are encouraged and welcomed into the setting to share their interests and hobbies with the children."

"Children are confident and demonstrate positive behaviour. They take turns and listen to each other's ideas."

"All children make good progress from their starting points and are supported to develop the skills needed to prepare them for the next stage in their learning."

Huge thanks to all the staff, who worked so hard on the day of the inspection. You're all superstars!
