Green fingers and good smells

We made the most of the lovely Spring weather this week with lots of outdoor play. Out in the garden we were planting pots of cress - the children listened carefully to instructions when they planted their pots, and understood that the seeds needed light and water in order to grow. We look forward to seeing the seeds sprouting in the weeks to come. The children were also making bird feeders, using lard and seeds - they helped to mix the seeds into the melted lard and spooned it into their pots with care. All the children were excited about hanging their pots up at home to attract the birds. Maybe you could keep a note of what birds you spot at your child’s bird feeder?

Inside, the week’s focus was on our sense of smell. The children were playing with play-dough mixed with different spices, and enjoyed playing a “Smelly Socks” game where they sniffed socks stuffed with different herbs. We also cut fingers of okra in half and encouraged children to smell them, before using the cut ends to make pretty flower prints.

We continued to consolidate the children’s phonics learning with the old classic “I Spy”. The children were able to identify many things beginning with the letters we have learned this term, and they felt very proud of themselves when they got the answer right. Our phonics focus next week is the ‘g’ sound, so why not bring in something to share with the class - a goat? A ghost? A guitar? A gecko? Some gardening gloves?

Finally, don’t forget that it is our Easter Celebration next Friday from 11am to 1pm. We are having an Easter bonnet parade, so that gives you one week to make an amazing Easter-themed hat with your child. We can’t wait to see what you all come up with !