Springing into the new term

Welcome back everyone! It was lovely to see all the children again - they were all full of stories of the fun they had during the Easter holidays. Apparently the Easter Bunny was very generous this year!

Following on from our Easter Celebration at the end of term, in our art corner the children have been making lambs out of paper plates and cotton wool, and making pictures of chicks by printing with a bath puff. We have also been making flower pictures using sticky dots - though later in the week these were used in an imaginary outbreak of “chicken pox” at the nursery!

Outside, the children were delighted to find two ENORMOUS cardboard boxes at the start of the week. Their imaginations ran riot with these, as you can imagine! Although the weather wasn’t quite as glorious as it was over the Bank Holiday weekend, we still had lots of fun in the garden with the children enjoying playing with the hula-hoops and the balance equipment.

Later in the week we turned our focus to maths. At our maths table the children could explore the Numicon in various ways - counting the holes, comparing the sizes, weighing the pieces - and on Friday, we introduced a drop-box exploring numbers 1 to 5. This had various resources on so that the children could explore the different ways that they could present these numbers. The most popular resources by far were rubber gloves filled with sand to create “number fingers”! The children liked these so much that many asked to make their own to take home (apologies if these leak sand across your home this weekend…!).

Most excitingly, the resources for our Sensory Area started to arrive this week. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have been able to fully fund this project and cannot wait to create a fantastic sensory space for the children to enjoy. They have already had a wonderful time playing on our new liquid floor tiles, and on Friday afternoon were thrilled to see our new bubble tube turned on. Watch this space for more updates!